Google Arts & Culture: the digital archive of Ways of Curating by Hans Ulrich Obrist

Known as one of the most influential people in the art world, Hans-Ulrich Obrist provides a glimpse into his curatorial work over the past 25 years in Ways of Curating. The wesite translates the archive into an interactive experience, inspiring viewers from all disciplines to think about new ways of experiencing art.
︎ Los Angeles, California (Use All Five) 2015

When I joined the project at Use All five, the exhibitions page was designed as a quilt of various-sized images and quotes. My task was to depict the vastness of the archive into an experience that invites the viewer to explore.

I proposed to display each project as a strip, composed of images and quotes from each exhibition. Not only does it immerse the viewer, but also provides an opportunity to interact with the content by dragging to reveal more of the project without the need to navigate elsewhere.

A couple of rounds later emerged a need for distinct project titles. In order to not overcrowd the page, and distill the visual field, I proposed a for the chain head to be a solid, color dropped from one of the photographs. This was way before platforms embedded an eye drop method for covers and frames.

About a year later, my concept for the exhibitions page was implemented and adapted on other pages.